Wednesday, February 11, 2015

teaching compassion

Teaching compassion to children can be tricky but it's important. Most children under five are naturally compassionate and it's a virtue that needs to be nurtured as they grow older. Modeling how to be compassionate is the easiest way to teach compassion. Children watch everything an adult does so showing compassion to your spouse, to your friends and most importantly to your children will teach them how to be compassionate.

NAEYC  has ten tips for teaching compassion, however, I don't agree with all of them. The one I don't agree with is number three. Where puppets are a part of most child care center rooms not all children like them. Some children are afraid of puppets and to teach compassion using one could frighten a child. Therefore, it would be more compassionate not to use one. Be aware of a child's reaction to puppets and if they're afraid of them don't use this approach.

Here's the link if anyone is interested in reading the article:
10 tips for raising a compassionate infant-toddler

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