Sunday, January 28, 2018

7 Types of Motivation Part 3

The last type of motivation is self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is the belief in one's competence and is capable of performing tasks in order to reach a goal. Four main factors affect self-efficacy, the are: experience, modeling, social persuasions, and physiological factors.

Experience affects self-efficacy because when children succeed on their own, their self-efficacy increases.

Modeling affects self-efficacy because when children see someone else succeed their self-efficacy increases because they believe they can succeed too. If a friend or sibling fails it causes a child's self-efficacy to decrease because they see the task as hard.

Social persuasion is a factor of self-efficacy because encouragement will help to increase self-efficacy while discouragement decreases it.

Physiological factors affect self-efficacy because stress affects children's physically. Sometimes a child can feel nauseous or have stomach pains or other types of pains and this causes self-efficacy to decrease. For example, if a child has a big test coming us such as the ACT or SAT a child can feel nauseous or have other pains that they're feeling because of the stress of taking the test brings.

Parents can nurture self-efficacy by setting up easy to attain situations so children learn how to complete a large task by first completing smaller tasks of the task first. Parents can model motivation to their children by participating in activities and succeeding in them or showing them how they react to failure. Parents can encourage children. The more encouragement a child receives the more self-efficacy they'll have and this will help them grow to be successful, happy adults.

All seven of these motivations (mastery motivation, achievement motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, locus of control, learned helplessness and self-efficacy) help children develop attitudes and values because they help a child have a positive attitude about achieving goals. These motivations help children see that being motivated to accomplish a goal helps them realize what they're good at and that having a positive attitude to accomplish a goal helps achieve the goal.

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