Sunday, June 10, 2018

Types of Media and Children

Screen Media is television or movies. Studies have found that the more preschoolers and school aged children watch prime time TV shows and cartoons the less time they spend reading and interacting with others. TV shows and movies that children watch may have ethnic or gender stereotypes that adults need to be aware of. Educational programs for children are sensitive to issues of equality and diversity but commercial entertainment programs can convey ethnic  and gender stereotypes. When minorities appear in adult shows they are more likely to be put across as secondary characters and have lower status roles such as unskilled workers or law breakers which teaches stereotypes. There are shows such as Blackish which are starting to break these stereotypes.

Print media is books, magazines etc. Introduction to these is influenced by the status of the family and the educational level of the parents. There is a relationship between education, income, and the value placed on the purchase of books and other reading material. The more educated the parents, the greater the income is, which can lead to attention on what printed media is purchased and therefore that children are exposed to. Some claim printed media is the primary way information about education, religion and government is passed from one generation to the next.

Audio media is any media channel that uses audio files such as music, audio books, or podcasts. Children use music in an effort to control and communicate their moods. Children as young as eight months can tell the difference between happy and sad music. This fact reaffirms the allegation that music has the ability to communicate emotion and influence mood. Lyrics to music has the ability to influence behaviors. Listening to songs can increase pro-social thoughts, increase empathy, and foster helping others.

Where these types of media influence children, their thoughts and how they react to different situations it is important for parents to know what children are listing to, watching and the lessons that are being taught through these types of media and be aware of the messages being sent.

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